Joshua Gave This Presentation
Hi my name is
Joshua Gordon; I came to Mooseheart when I was 14 years old and at the middle of my eighth grade year, Jan 20 2011.
I didn’t think I wasn’t going to be so good because I wouldn’t see my family often, and it would be hard to get
to use to new people. Also, I wasn’t so good at things like sports, school, work, getting along with others. I
thought things weren’t going to go well for me and everyone was better than I was until Mooseheart showed me
otherwise and that everyone is equal; that I am strong and could be successful in life. That’s only the beginning
of my arrival. But let me tell you the rest and how they; my teachers and peers helped me get to where I am today.
Day after day, I woke up and said that this was going to be a long day. That I wasn’t going to make it through that day. Until one day I decided to change that, and the way I was thinking. By first going out and experience things I haven’t done before, stepping up to the plate and owning up to things like a man. So I started this decision by playing football for the first time of my life. I have to admit walking on that field for the first time felt great but afterwards it was a struggle to finish. I had my ups and downs, the times when I wanted to quit but I wouldn’t have met my goals. I strived and strived to become better and eventually did. What helped me every day coming back were my peers and coaches who pushed me harder every day because they knew I was better than what I was showing. I then also got to get to know people better this way because doing a sport like this you have to speak up and be one of the leaders and treat each other like you would want to be treated because if you didn’t then you would corrupt the team so we all got along and I got to know people better. This made me happy because I didn’t think I would ever get to know anybody.
Later on the season was over for the football team. We had a very good season but besides that afterwards it kind of helped me in the long run in many ways. Like for instants a role model to others, a better player and not a quitter. But that was things that I did outside of the home, but inside it was always a different story. Every day the family teachers push us harder with way more important things, like getting school work done, house requirements; chore wise. Basically they teach and help the youth in the home prepare for college and outside world. The reason why is so that of course we will know what to do when it comes down to something. They make sure no one is left behind and that everyone is treated well and equal. That is something that makes me happy because they give all the help we need and make sure you’re getting everything done so that in the future you will be all set and ready to go. Mooseheart is a great environment for me education and safety wise, they do everything possible for you to become that successful person you dream to be. Coming to Mooseheart was one of the greatest things that have happened to me. I feel special because some people don’t have the help and education and things that I have today. I will never take this for granted and I really appreciate the things they have done for me today.
In my point of view I think I have become a much greater man over the years I’ve been here and have learned so much. I have to say when my senior year come I will be happy that I’m leaving and moving on in life but, sad that I’m losing friends and losing Mooseheart. I know it’s going to be terrible because I worked so hard and then basically lose it all. Everything that I worked hard for I will have to do it on my own but will be prepared because that’s what they are getting me ready for, and lose all the help. There will be people who probably help you in life but not as much as Mooseheart did. This is why I say Mooseheart is so great to me and the other youth back home because you could never take this for granted.