Membership & Meetings

Men's meeting are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Officers meet at 6:00 PM and the Lodge members at 7:30 PM.
A history of our Moose Lodge as well as an explanation of advancement within the order.
There are many benefits to having a Moose membership. One is the R. Robert Dale Scholarship available to all Moose Members and WOTM with High School Children. Visit the Member Benefits page and the R. Robert Dale Scholarship page for more information.
Election of officers
The Moose bylaws are very specific on how people are nominated. One of the MOST important considerations is the deadline dates for nominations! All nominations MUST be in writing on the form included in the newsletter - Nomination Form 2017! Also the supplied brochure (Download attached file - "So, You Want to be a Lodge Officer" for full details of each officer's responsibilities.) must be read and will be signed prior to the election day by each person on the ballot.
The "So, You Want to be a Lodge Officer" pamphlet should be printed and the signature portion should be returned with the nomination papers. You will be required to attend an 8-hour class on being a member of the house committee and the board of officers. No charge for the course, but must attend and be certified. Contact an Officer for full details!
For information on WOTM visit their page or attend their meeting.
Please visit our "Interested?" page for addition information.