About Moose 1572
Past, Present & Future
A charter was originally granted to the Moose Lodge 1572 on June 24, 1918.
Based in the principle that "a burden heavy to one is borne lightly by many", the lodge has dedicated the time and talents of many to assist within the the Stevens Point community as well as the international organization's charitable causes at Mooseheart ( a residential childcare facility near Chicago, Ill. for youth whose families are unable to care for them) and
Moosehaven (a 70-acre retirement community for senior members in Florida).
The lodge has been located in multiple buildings throughout the Stevens Point area with it's original spot in 1922 being the current Skipp's Bowling Center located on the intersection of Park Street and Strongs Avenue. In the 1950s, the lodge utilized the upstairs of Arctic Locker for meetings and activities.
In 1982, through generous donations from Norm Meshak and Bill Zenoff, the lodge moved to it's current location at 1025 N. 2nd Street. Within the first 15 years at the current location, the lodge saw two expansions to better serve the members and the community.
The lodge was granted Family Center status in the mid-1990s due to our emphasis on family and children activities and at the turn of the millennia, the lodge did further expansions which included an ADA entrance to the banquet hall.
The lodge is a result of hours of hard work and cooperation as the lodge continues to evolve and improve.
The men meet every first and third Wednesday of the month with officers meeting at 6 p.m. and lodge members meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Interested? Check out our membership application!
We also welcome our members to become as involved as they would like - if you would like to be an officer, please check out our nomination application.
Why Join Moose 1572?